Cookie Policy

We use cookies on our website to enhance your browsing experience by making it easier to use whilst making the content more relevant to you. Cookies help us to achieve this by enabling us to recognise those pages you find useful and those you don’t. At no point do cookies allow us access to your computer or any information other than the details you choose to share with us. Cookies are used on most websites and we believe that there are significant benefits to customers who visit our web site as a result.

What Is A Cookie?

A cookie is a small text file that’s placed on your computer’s hard drive via your browser. It helps the use of our interactive devices and allows our website to respond to you as an individual. The site can be tailored to your needs, likes and dislikes, by remembering information about your preferences.

How To Manage Cookies

All internet browsers allow you to manage the cookies stored on your computer. You can set the browser to enable cookies, notify you of cookie placement requests, or decline cookies completely. If you decline cookies you will likely find a reduced functionality on most sites. You can also delete the files that contain cookies, but the way you manage them depends on which browser you have, this setting can usually be located in the same place as your history.

How we use cookies

Here’s a list of the main cookies we use and their purpose:

Name Cookies Persistence Purpose
Word Fence Security
  • wfCBLBypass
  • Session
Wordfence offers a feature for a site visitor to bypass country blocking by accessing a hidden URL. This cookie helps track who should be allowed to bypass country blocking.
Google Analytics
  • _utmt
  • _utmb
  • _utmz
  • _utmc
  • _utma
  • Session
  • Session
  • 8 Months
  • 8 Months
  • 2 years
Provides insights into visitor interactions on our website. This helps us understand our visitor’s needs and this information allows us to improve our website, our communications with our customers and to provide a high quality service by providing our visitors information that they’re looking for in a way which is useful to them.


Hardley Ind Est, Hythe, Southampton. SQ45 3NQ.


023 8084 2416
